Monday, July 19, 2010


Jackson and Logan,

What swimmers you've become this summer! Both of you have come so far in your skills and you haven't even had your swimming lessons yet this summer. Jackson, during the week of July 12, you took the swim test to go off the diving board in Spring Grove. You passed the test and went off the diving board and deep end slide many, many times. You can doggy paddle very well and are beginning to get your arms out of the water in more of a front-crawl form.

Logan, you ABSOLUTELY love the water. At 4 years old, you can actually swim under water, float on your belly, swim with your face in while doing the breast stroke, and swim under water. You are amazing!

Love ,

P.S. Jackson, on Saturday, July 17, I took your sister, Isiah Reinhart, and you to the Caledonia Pool. 10 minutes before we left, you were swimming across the deep end when you got tired. I yelled "Grab the rope" in which you did. Once at the rope, you had to swim to the shallow. Halfway there, you started to panick and yell. I jumped in and grabbed you! I think this only happened because you swam so hard for and hour, that by the time we were about to leave, you had just run out of gas. "ALL OUT" is the only way you know how to go.

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