Sunday, October 17, 2010


Dear Logan,

The other night, you lay in bed screaming a Halloween song you learned at Elaine's house. I sat downstairs listening to you sing through the monitor. A smile was on my face as I heard you sing it over and over again. Such a little singe you are! You've got the music bug, that's for sure. I can't wait to see your face when you open your iPod for Christmas. I've just started making a list of "girl songs" to download onto the iPod. I suspect it will be your favorite present ever!

I love you,

1st Grade

Dear Jackson,

What a smart and wonderful boy you are. You are doing just fantastic at school. You're reading has taken off as well as your math. A mind like a trap is what you have! There's nothing you forget. I think you even look forward to your homework. You especially like the extra math timed-tests that I bring home for you to do. Of course, you want so desperately to make your goal each time. Always shooting for the stars. I love that about you.

I love you,

Sick Logan

Dear Logan,

For the first time since I've had you kids, you and Jackson went away with your Dad and I stayed home. Of course I was a little nervous and sad to be alone, but everything went fine. Until...your dad called me when you were on the way home and told me that you threw up 7 times that night at Minna's house. Poor baby! Daddy said you were typical Logan...very brave. Puke and rally is your what you've always done.

Love you,

Jackson's Fish

Dear Jackson,

Just the other day, you were counting out 6 fish-food pebbles for your beta-fish, Finny, when you said, "Agggh, having a fish is a lot of work. It's six pieces every day."

You are so funny!


Monday, July 19, 2010


Jackson and Logan,

What swimmers you've become this summer! Both of you have come so far in your skills and you haven't even had your swimming lessons yet this summer. Jackson, during the week of July 12, you took the swim test to go off the diving board in Spring Grove. You passed the test and went off the diving board and deep end slide many, many times. You can doggy paddle very well and are beginning to get your arms out of the water in more of a front-crawl form.

Logan, you ABSOLUTELY love the water. At 4 years old, you can actually swim under water, float on your belly, swim with your face in while doing the breast stroke, and swim under water. You are amazing!

Love ,

P.S. Jackson, on Saturday, July 17, I took your sister, Isiah Reinhart, and you to the Caledonia Pool. 10 minutes before we left, you were swimming across the deep end when you got tired. I yelled "Grab the rope" in which you did. Once at the rope, you had to swim to the shallow. Halfway there, you started to panick and yell. I jumped in and grabbed you! I think this only happened because you swam so hard for and hour, that by the time we were about to leave, you had just run out of gas. "ALL OUT" is the only way you know how to go.


Dear Jackson and Logan,

For the fourth of July this summer, we took you to Petosky, MI to stay at your great-aunt Pat's house on Lake Michigan. It took us about 12 hours to get there with the stops we made. One of the stops was in Escanaba, MI to buy me a sweatshirt (since I forgot my new one at home and would need one for the chilly nights). In the small mall we stopped at, there was a Claire's Boutique. Your dad and I asked Logan if you wanted to get your ears pierced and you did. While you decided on the May birthstone, I asked the clerk if there were two people to do the piercing since I was worried that with only one you'd get scared after the first ear and end up with only one earring. She assured us that she was fast. Indeed she was, but you still were scared. After the first earring, your face got red and you started to smile nervously. She quickly moved to the second ear and pierced that one seconds before the tears came. You cried for about 2 minutes and didn't want to look at them in the mirror. Eventually you did and were very proud of yourself. My grown-up 4 year old!

Jackson, you had a great time with all your family in Petosky. You got to meet your 3rd cousins Ellie and John Wagner. John was 8 and Ellie was 6. Almost every day that we were there, you somehow organized a kickball or baseball game with some or all of the family. During one afternoon, the whole gang (Judy, Minna, Scott, Logan, John Wagner, John Eric, Ellie, Melissa, Paul, and I) went into town and found a baseball field to play a real game of kickball. It was a great time and NO HOLDS BAR! You and Logan also swam a ton at the condo pool. Both you and your sister's swimming skills improved so much during the trip. You were now doggy paddling a pretty good distance and Logan was swimming all around with her life jacket on. She could put her face in while floating and doing the front crawl.

Some other fun things we did included mini-golfing at Pirate's Cove, the batting cages, golf range, kayaking on the lake, boogie boarding on the grassy hill (Ellie and Logan took turns pulling each other down the hill while Jackson played baseball with John Wagner and others), listening to the jam session Pat sang at in the house (Logan you learned "Sunny Side of the Street" from Pat)cruising on a $1 million boat, and highway cleanup along the highway your second cousin Jan was killed on.

Hopefully we will make this an annual 4th of July trip.


"Mom, I know you're not going to say this."


Whenever you want something that you know your dad and I will say no to, you always precede your question with "I know you're not going to say this."


Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Bad Mom

Dear Logan,
On Saturday, April 17, 2010, we went to Elsie's to eat pizza with your dad, brother, Dan, Michelle, Adrianna, and Isiah Reinhart after a JO all-day volleyball tournament. While waiting for our food, you were going back and forth between the bar area and the restaurant area to play bean bags with your dad and brother. Right before the pizza arrived, you said you had to go to the bathroom. I told you to go ahead and go in by yourself since we had just been in there and it was only about 5 steps away. Going back to my conversation with Michelle, your father comes back to the table with Jackson. "Where's Logan?" I asked Scott. He said, "She's not with me." I paused for a moment feeling confused. "But she's been with Scott," I thought. Where the heck was she? Suddenly, I jumped up shouting "Oh, my gosh!" and ran to the bathroom. There you sat on the toilet. Tear-stained cheeks waiting for your mommy to come and help you. The bottom-line was that I had forgotten about you while I was busy talking with a friend. I'm sure you had been in there about 10 minutes, but that was 10 minutes too long. I hugged you over and over saying "I'm sorry. Mommy forgot you". That's pretty close to the worst I've ever felt. I hope you're not scarred for life.

I love you,

Monday, April 5, 2010

Oops, at the Zoo

Dear Jackson,

I believe that it was the summer after you turned 3 in which a favorite zoo memory comes to mind. We went to Madison to see Marcie and visit the Henry Vilas Zoo. This is a great zoo because it is free, clean, and full of a great variety of animals that are easy to see for kids. After walking about for quite a while, we went to the eating area. This is an awesome area of the zoo to sit, relax, and eat lunch at. The picnicking spot is right at the entrance of the park with the food stand situated next to the gift shop. The area is nice and open with picnic benches available for many people and families. Around the outside of the eating areas are nice grassy patches with flower beds. Marcie, Scott, Logan (who was only 1), and I were sitting at one of the picnic tables while you were running around (as never stop moving) close by. Suddenly, Marcie shouts out in a scared and startled voice "Jackson!" My head snapped up to quickly locate you, expecting you to be bleeding or something terrible. Well what happened wasn't dangerous or hurtful, but very "Jackson". Standing on top of a rock situated amongst the flower beds was my boy, newly potty trained. Shorts and underwear down around your ankles while you "watered" the flowers. Butt out in the open for all to see with a great stream going. I sprinted from my seat and whipped up your clothes. Marcie was laughing so hard she was crying. I thought she was going to be the next one to pee. Behind her at another picnic table was a man trying his hardest to keep his laughter quiet. He was very entertained by your innocence. Who knows how many people saw this spectacle. I tried to keep my head down so not to see all the people staring, but truly it was a hilarious situation.



Dear Jackson and Logan,

Both of you have always enjoyed wearing....nothing. For some reason, being naked is favored. Finally, you Jackson, have grown out of this. Logan, however, continues to enjoy being free. When Nevaeh was over for the weekend, we had made a cozy bed with blankets and cushions on the floor for the movie we were going to watch. Everything was going great. Popcorn was being eaten, Mike and Ike's were disappearing fast, and everyone was having a great time. You were watching "Cat in the Hat" while I was folding laundry at the little couch. During the middle of the movie, Nevaeh left her spot on the floor next to Logan to come and talk to me. "Kadie?" she said in a whisper and worried voice. "Yes, Nevaeh?" I replied. "Ummm, Logan's naked." Nevaeh nervously told me. Yes, there you were laying on top of the blanket that had been spread out on the floor, back on the cushions, eating popcorn, and clearly enjoying the movie. There was absolutely no problem as far as you were concerned. You have to understand that Nevaeh was CLEARLY not use to naked little girls. She did not have brothers or sisters, so this was very strange to her. I don't know, but maybe this would be strange to other kids who do have siblings. I'm not entirely sure what the "naked situation" is like in other households. Here, it's been the norm for you and your brother for some reason. This better not come back and bite us in the butt (no pun intended) when you're older and living in a nudist colony or something.



Dear Jackson,

When you were a very little boy, about 1 year old, instead of using the word "yes" you would say "Aye". It sounded as if you were an authentic pirate. Everyone who talked with you and heard your own version of "yes" thought it was purely adorable...and unique. This is a fond memory a lot of your family has of you, especially Daddy's side of the family.


I've Got My Eye On You

Dear Jackson,

After Sunday school about 2 months ago, we attended church. Pastor Meyer has a children's sermon at each service, and when it was time, he invited all the children to come up. As you, your sister, and other children from the congregation were up front paying very close attention :) you turned your attention from Pastor to me. Using your index and middle fingers, in a "peace" sign, you pointed both at your eyes and then back to me virtually saying "I've got my eye on you." Of course, a few chuckles could be heard from the other members of the congregation. Thank goodness Pastor didn't see you. Although, he would have undoubtedly laughed out loud.



Dear Logan,

About a year ago, sometime around Christmas (when you were 2 and 1/2 years old), Jackson, Daddy, and I were sitting in the living room doing something. Maybe watching a movie, playing a game, something. Suddenly I realized it seemed too quiet. "Where's Logan?" I inquired. There was no sound or movement from you in the living room or toy room. However, I noticed the bathroom door was shut. Gently opening the door, I stuck my head in and found you huddled behind the toilet enjoying a feast on delicious milk chocolate truffles. Two red wrappers laying on the floor and the chocolate evidence present on your face. Sooooo sneaky...and smart!! Definitely Daddy's girl when it comes to treats.


Sunday, March 28, 2010


Dear Jackson,

Your 2nd cousin Nevaeh (same age as you, 6yrs.) came home with me from school to spend the night and the next day with us. We picked Logan up at daycare and headed to the elementary to pick you up from Daddy's JO practice. When you realized that Nevaeh was with me, you got embarrassed and sprinted from us yelling "To the kitchen!" Whatever that means??!! I do know, however, that it was something you said to flirt a bit. Back and forth you ran all the time yelling out strange things. I hope that one day it really sinks in that you CAN'T marry your cousin.



Dear Logan,

A few nights ago I sat by you saying prayers and tucking you in to sleep for the night. You lay there in bed gently pulling on your eyelashes. Suddenly you remarked, "Oh, I pulled out my whisker!" That gave me a pretty good laugh. It's always fun to watch your face and hear you laugh when other people are laughing. Cute little girl you are.


Friday, March 5, 2010

Jackson's Sucker Adventure

A couple weeks ago, you had to go to School Age Care after Kindergarten. During this time, you found out that your buddy Billy had a sucker for you that he left in your dad's classroom upstairs (he didn't want to give it to you at SAC because he knew he didn't have enough for the other kids--thoughtful, huh!). So, you left the SAC room, went upstairs to your dad's room and discovered his door was locked. No problem. You tracked down your "good friend, Bob" the custodian and asked "Will you open my dad's door?". Bob was very obliged to help out. After you helped yourself to the sucker you so clearly could not do without, you popped it into your mouth and returned downstairs. When the supervisor for SAC asked about the sucker, you nonchalantly and innocently told Kathy all about your adventure and to quote "my good friend, Bob".

You are a gutsy, wily, and adorable boy.

love mom

Day out with Grandma

You spent the day with Grandma as Elaine had taken the day off. I took you to my school for a short while until Grandma was able to pick you up. When she brought you back around 2:30 that afternoon, it was clear that Grandma was totally incapable of saying "no" to you. She had bought you a "Hannah Montana" shirt (which wasn't really but you called it that), Polly Pockets to be kept at her house, 2 special pillows (one for our house and one for Grandma's--you told her that they were so "cozy"), a Hannah Montana ball, and a donut from Festival. It was a great day for you. Grandma loved it as well...but might have needed a nap when she got home.

love mom

Monday, March 1, 2010

Wake, My Sweet

Two Saturdays ago, Jackson woke up before you, as usual, around 7:00. We came downstairs, read Pinocchio (a 25 min. book), and then turned on cartoons to watch for a while. Because you and Daddy were still sleeping, I snuggled up by Jackson on the couch and snoozed briefly while he watched Ninja Turtles or something like that. I was suddenly awaken by a butterfly kiss on my lips. Standing before me was you. Happy as a lark to be awake and so sweet in how you woke me. It really warmed my heart. I must have been out since you truly surprised me. Most mornings aren't so are definitely not a morning person and want nothing to do with anyone until you've decided that you're ready. It's funny now to be thinking of it, but it's rather trying most mornings. You have a strong personality, but that's only part of why I love you so much.

your mom

Jackson's 6th Birthday

On your 6th birthday (or the Saturday following), you had your first party with invited friends. Tristan and Sienna Augedahl, Reese and Riley Diersen, and Kaden Peterson all came to the AmericInn to swim and celebrate with you. Your grandma, grandpa, aunt Marcie, sister, dad, and I were there as well (Josh had to work but called to wish you Happy Birthday and Minna had just gotten home from New Orleans). You were quite the water bug going from life jacket to no life jacket. You enjoyed floating on your back with the life jacket on. After swimming for 2 hours, we had pizza, opened presents, and ate cake. You picked the cake you wanted, so I made you a home-made, 3D, buttercream, fondant Clone Trooper. It was a lot of fun making it and you were soooo sweet when you saw it the first time.

Grandma and Grandpa gave you a beta fish in a fishbowl for your birthday. You gave it three names and finally settled on SharkTooth. From us, you got a new football since you've become quite the little football catcher. Your hand-eye coordination has improved tons since your dad has been working on catching with you. No broken lamps yet, but lots of fun. Grandpa B and Grandma Jan sent you a Star Wars guy. They are always so kind and never forget a special day.

Jackson's Changing

You've been showing a lot more "attitude" lately. What I mean is that you've started demonstrating more older-kid behaviors like being easily frustrated and giving us the "duh-mom/dad" look. At first I was a little worried about where and why this attitude came about, but the more I thought about the first graders I teach (which is only a year younger than you), you fit their personality profile (for a boy) to a "T". You still say "I love you, Momma" and hug me all the time, though. You sure are a momma's boy and I love that.

Oh yeah, last night we went without a Goodnite and you got a kick out of me telling you about waking you up to use the bathroom. You were definitely sleeping the whole time from your bed to the bathroom and back. You giggled to know you were "sleep walking" and couldn't wait for tonight again. Hopefully with a week or two of me waking you up to use the bathroom, you'll be able to kick the Goodnites.

Love you buddy,
your mom

Workout Girl

Logan, you have started to work out with Scott and I when we do the P90X. Suprisingly, you have darn good form for a 3 1/2 year old. You've always been extremely coordinated. It was cute watching you do the warm up and shoulder presses wearing the outfit you picked out for yourself this morning. A pink long sleeve shirt, pink glittery leggings with striped shorts over the top, and striped socks to match. Very cute.

your mom

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Why a Blog?

The purpose for the creation of this family blog is to document memories for my children as they continue to grow. I wish so much that I would have been on the ball and started years ago, but Scott and I will do our best to recall as many memorable moments to document them for the kids. For now, I think I'll write the memories as though we are speaking directly to Jackson and Logan. I love you both.

your mom