Monday, April 5, 2010

Oops, at the Zoo

Dear Jackson,

I believe that it was the summer after you turned 3 in which a favorite zoo memory comes to mind. We went to Madison to see Marcie and visit the Henry Vilas Zoo. This is a great zoo because it is free, clean, and full of a great variety of animals that are easy to see for kids. After walking about for quite a while, we went to the eating area. This is an awesome area of the zoo to sit, relax, and eat lunch at. The picnicking spot is right at the entrance of the park with the food stand situated next to the gift shop. The area is nice and open with picnic benches available for many people and families. Around the outside of the eating areas are nice grassy patches with flower beds. Marcie, Scott, Logan (who was only 1), and I were sitting at one of the picnic tables while you were running around (as never stop moving) close by. Suddenly, Marcie shouts out in a scared and startled voice "Jackson!" My head snapped up to quickly locate you, expecting you to be bleeding or something terrible. Well what happened wasn't dangerous or hurtful, but very "Jackson". Standing on top of a rock situated amongst the flower beds was my boy, newly potty trained. Shorts and underwear down around your ankles while you "watered" the flowers. Butt out in the open for all to see with a great stream going. I sprinted from my seat and whipped up your clothes. Marcie was laughing so hard she was crying. I thought she was going to be the next one to pee. Behind her at another picnic table was a man trying his hardest to keep his laughter quiet. He was very entertained by your innocence. Who knows how many people saw this spectacle. I tried to keep my head down so not to see all the people staring, but truly it was a hilarious situation.


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