Thursday, October 13, 2011

It's Been Forever

Hi Jackson and Logan,
It's been forever since I've blogged. It's weird to say that word instead of "written". 2011 technology! Anyway, lots of things have happened to both of you since the last time I posted. Jackson, you broke your collarbone in September. Isiah and you were playing football outside the high school when he tackled you from behind. When you came into the gym, I could tell right away your cry was different. Not to mention the fact that you said, "I think I broke it". Trisha Ingvalson looked at it (a Physician's Assistant) and said it was probably broken. Sure enough, it was. So, we postponed the oral surgery that was scheduled for the next day so that you could see the orthopedic doctor. After a couple weeks with the sling, you were moving around like normal. We did get in the oral surgery and had your extra front tooth removed.

Logan, you've had a great start to your kindergarten year. Just yesterday, a teacher assistant mentioned to your daddy how nice of a girl you are. You sure are enjoying learning all the sign language in your class that the teachers use with your pal, Tanner. Tuesday this week was also the first "yellow card" you received. Apparently, Mrs. Doty has seen you use your hands instead of your words when you're frustrated. When I saw the yellow card, you burst into tears! I think you were upset in part because you love your friends and would never want to hurt anyone, you got "caught", and you were holding it in all day and were afraid to tell your dad and I.

I'll try to do a better job and write more often. Love you!!
