Thursday, October 13, 2011

It's Been Forever

Hi Jackson and Logan,
It's been forever since I've blogged. It's weird to say that word instead of "written". 2011 technology! Anyway, lots of things have happened to both of you since the last time I posted. Jackson, you broke your collarbone in September. Isiah and you were playing football outside the high school when he tackled you from behind. When you came into the gym, I could tell right away your cry was different. Not to mention the fact that you said, "I think I broke it". Trisha Ingvalson looked at it (a Physician's Assistant) and said it was probably broken. Sure enough, it was. So, we postponed the oral surgery that was scheduled for the next day so that you could see the orthopedic doctor. After a couple weeks with the sling, you were moving around like normal. We did get in the oral surgery and had your extra front tooth removed.

Logan, you've had a great start to your kindergarten year. Just yesterday, a teacher assistant mentioned to your daddy how nice of a girl you are. You sure are enjoying learning all the sign language in your class that the teachers use with your pal, Tanner. Tuesday this week was also the first "yellow card" you received. Apparently, Mrs. Doty has seen you use your hands instead of your words when you're frustrated. When I saw the yellow card, you burst into tears! I think you were upset in part because you love your friends and would never want to hurt anyone, you got "caught", and you were holding it in all day and were afraid to tell your dad and I.

I'll try to do a better job and write more often. Love you!!


Sunday, October 17, 2010


Dear Logan,

The other night, you lay in bed screaming a Halloween song you learned at Elaine's house. I sat downstairs listening to you sing through the monitor. A smile was on my face as I heard you sing it over and over again. Such a little singe you are! You've got the music bug, that's for sure. I can't wait to see your face when you open your iPod for Christmas. I've just started making a list of "girl songs" to download onto the iPod. I suspect it will be your favorite present ever!

I love you,

1st Grade

Dear Jackson,

What a smart and wonderful boy you are. You are doing just fantastic at school. You're reading has taken off as well as your math. A mind like a trap is what you have! There's nothing you forget. I think you even look forward to your homework. You especially like the extra math timed-tests that I bring home for you to do. Of course, you want so desperately to make your goal each time. Always shooting for the stars. I love that about you.

I love you,

Sick Logan

Dear Logan,

For the first time since I've had you kids, you and Jackson went away with your Dad and I stayed home. Of course I was a little nervous and sad to be alone, but everything went fine. Until...your dad called me when you were on the way home and told me that you threw up 7 times that night at Minna's house. Poor baby! Daddy said you were typical Logan...very brave. Puke and rally is your what you've always done.

Love you,

Jackson's Fish

Dear Jackson,

Just the other day, you were counting out 6 fish-food pebbles for your beta-fish, Finny, when you said, "Agggh, having a fish is a lot of work. It's six pieces every day."

You are so funny!


Monday, July 19, 2010


Jackson and Logan,

What swimmers you've become this summer! Both of you have come so far in your skills and you haven't even had your swimming lessons yet this summer. Jackson, during the week of July 12, you took the swim test to go off the diving board in Spring Grove. You passed the test and went off the diving board and deep end slide many, many times. You can doggy paddle very well and are beginning to get your arms out of the water in more of a front-crawl form.

Logan, you ABSOLUTELY love the water. At 4 years old, you can actually swim under water, float on your belly, swim with your face in while doing the breast stroke, and swim under water. You are amazing!

Love ,

P.S. Jackson, on Saturday, July 17, I took your sister, Isiah Reinhart, and you to the Caledonia Pool. 10 minutes before we left, you were swimming across the deep end when you got tired. I yelled "Grab the rope" in which you did. Once at the rope, you had to swim to the shallow. Halfway there, you started to panick and yell. I jumped in and grabbed you! I think this only happened because you swam so hard for and hour, that by the time we were about to leave, you had just run out of gas. "ALL OUT" is the only way you know how to go.


Dear Jackson and Logan,

For the fourth of July this summer, we took you to Petosky, MI to stay at your great-aunt Pat's house on Lake Michigan. It took us about 12 hours to get there with the stops we made. One of the stops was in Escanaba, MI to buy me a sweatshirt (since I forgot my new one at home and would need one for the chilly nights). In the small mall we stopped at, there was a Claire's Boutique. Your dad and I asked Logan if you wanted to get your ears pierced and you did. While you decided on the May birthstone, I asked the clerk if there were two people to do the piercing since I was worried that with only one you'd get scared after the first ear and end up with only one earring. She assured us that she was fast. Indeed she was, but you still were scared. After the first earring, your face got red and you started to smile nervously. She quickly moved to the second ear and pierced that one seconds before the tears came. You cried for about 2 minutes and didn't want to look at them in the mirror. Eventually you did and were very proud of yourself. My grown-up 4 year old!

Jackson, you had a great time with all your family in Petosky. You got to meet your 3rd cousins Ellie and John Wagner. John was 8 and Ellie was 6. Almost every day that we were there, you somehow organized a kickball or baseball game with some or all of the family. During one afternoon, the whole gang (Judy, Minna, Scott, Logan, John Wagner, John Eric, Ellie, Melissa, Paul, and I) went into town and found a baseball field to play a real game of kickball. It was a great time and NO HOLDS BAR! You and Logan also swam a ton at the condo pool. Both you and your sister's swimming skills improved so much during the trip. You were now doggy paddling a pretty good distance and Logan was swimming all around with her life jacket on. She could put her face in while floating and doing the front crawl.

Some other fun things we did included mini-golfing at Pirate's Cove, the batting cages, golf range, kayaking on the lake, boogie boarding on the grassy hill (Ellie and Logan took turns pulling each other down the hill while Jackson played baseball with John Wagner and others), listening to the jam session Pat sang at in the house (Logan you learned "Sunny Side of the Street" from Pat)cruising on a $1 million boat, and highway cleanup along the highway your second cousin Jan was killed on.

Hopefully we will make this an annual 4th of July trip.
